
2 New Viruses That You’ll Want to Avoid

Network security is incredibly important to ensure that a business remains safe from outside threats. Statistics show that within one year 20% of all small businesses will have to deal with the aftermath of a hack. These hacks can deal immense amounts of damage to a business, both in regards to losing customers and revenue. With that in mind, here is more information about two new viruses you’ll want to be protected from. Read more…

When To Eat Micro Greens

Have you heard of organic micro greens or crystallized edible flowers? Even if you haven’t you’d probably recognize them if you saw them – and you might have even eaten them without knowing what they were! Organic micro greens have become more and more popular in the restaurant world, typically used as small addition or as a small side dish for a larger item on the menu, and petite micro greens are rich in flavor and ideal when fresh and tender. Though organic micro greens have sprung into popularity only within the past few years, they have been around for an astounding three decades, long used by chefs and culinary minds to add color and freshness to many a plate. Read more…

A Guide To Walk In Clinics

The medical industry is incredibly vital to the everyday lives of many Americans. Even though this statement is without a doubt true, there are still a large number of people that do not appreciate or value the medical industry. This is not only foolish but it is very much a bad idea. Instead, people should be educated on the services of a family health clinic, family health care, and a medical walk in clinic.

Thanks to the popularity of tanning and the slow depletion of the atmosphere’s protective ozone layer, skin cancer rates have more than tripled since 1975. This incredibly dangerous and yet people have yet to lean away from tanning. Instead, it people seem to completely ignore the stats and facts that should be educating them to live a better life. Read more…

Is Legal Help Necessary To File A Personal Bankruptcy Claim?

Filing for a personal bankruptcy can be a difficult choice, but millions of people face this decision every year. A significant number of Americans live on the brink, financially, and any emergency can push them over the edge. Declaring bankruptcy means accepting that an individual, couple or business cannot meet its financial obligations and has to restructure or be excused from debt payments. It is a decision necessarily accompanied by financial and emotional upheaval. While people can file for bankruptcy on their own, an experienced attorney can help them to achieve a better outcome. Read more…

How To Prevent Cavities

Last trip to the dentist didn’t go so well? Dreading your next filling, drilling or (aaaah!) root canal? Learn how to prevent cavities with a few easy dental tips that can keep you out of the office until your 6-month cleaning!

Legal Newsletter

Forget the images of staid, bookish old lawyers in libraries – law is an evolving, fast-changing industry. And the more the laws change, the more you need a legal newsletter to keep up with the latest rulings and regulations.

Home Efficiency Tips

Is your busy life getting in the way of home maintenance and cleaning?  Do you feel like you just don’t have time to cook for your family anymore? Home efficiency tips might not make you an instant Martha Stewart, but you can still save time every day.

How To Stay Fit

Getting fit takes a lot of hard work, but provides plenty of motivation as pain turns into gains. But once you get fit, do you know how to stay fit? Check out our workouts, nutrition advice and more here.

Pet Questions

What do you do if your cat ate your Easter candy?  How do you help an obese dog get back to a healthy weight? What kind of rabbits are the best house pets? For answers to these and all sorts of pet questions, check out our blog!